Is a Hashtag or a Gift of God?



For experts and beginners the use of comments is one of the most useful thing when they’re programing and more when are learning a new language.

The comments in all the language can be called different and need and specific sintaxis if you don’t want to make a mistake when you’re programing, but in the case of Python the only thing that you need to put is «#».

Comments can exist in two types:

The first when you want to describe a specific line, you put at the final of that.

Example :

>>>   print («Hello World») #if you don’t put  »    at the beginning  and end of the text that you want that the computer print, this can’t  be recognized the syntaxis.


And the second when you want to give a little description of the next code that you will use.


#Remember, all the text that you want the computer print need to be in »   »

>> print(«Hello World»)
for a in[«banana»,2,3,5]:

I almost forget it, this is the last kind of comments:

>>»»» banana»»»

you can use only  for a single word or for a big code






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